

Your story becomes powerful once it appeals to the imagination.

We communicate a lot, but not with the intended effect. Often the sender needs a lot of words to organize his thoughts, while the receiver does not understand exactly what point is being made. Language is rich, but also enormously concealing. With all the business lingo we use, words can turn into completely different images in people’s minds. As a result, it takes a long time to reach agreement.

Let’s be honest, we all know them: meetings that seem to last forever, boring presentations that consist of chunks of text, long discussions because you just don’t fully understand each other, notes and reports where you have to read every sentence at least twice before you understand what it says.

We know that it can be done differently:

a meeting in which you all have the same image in mind

a presentation that immediately appeals to the imagination

making clear during a conversation where the crux is

Say more in less words: that’s what we do! With the power of visual communication.

House of Imagination is your #1 partner for effective, inspiring communication.
We make visible what you really mean.

You are in good company!

We help organizations around the globe to solve their communication challenges:

Dream team

We are a team of talented strategists and analysts who can also draw!
We are all different. Long, short, casual and fashionistas. Communication, HR, Operations, IT, Financial Services, Project Management. What connects us is our creativity and our drive to make organisations more creative, innovative and effective.

Our services

Customized info drawing

Policy, strategy, plans. They often end up unread in a mailbox. How about the essence on 1 sheet of paper? One drawing says it all. We’ll make you a visual summary, so that your colleagues will understand you at once.
A customized info drawing is an attractive visual story that fits on one sheet of paper. It summarizes your key messages in drawings and bullet points, in a well-arranged way.
You can use the info drawing to hold a lively presentation or to support a conversation about the topic. By involving your audience through images, the story comes to live. Your message is no longer abstract, but concrete. In addition, your audience will link the content to the images. Did you know that our brains love images? We remember visual information much easier than text.

Live visual recording

What do you actually remember from a meeting? Research shows: almost nothing. But: with a visual summary it’s much easier to remember what was said. During your meeting or event we will draw a live summary. Whether you have a small board meeting, or a big seminar. A conversation, or presentation. A panel discussion, brainstorm or designsprint. Live or online. While the session unfolds, we capture the essence.

We listen critically, summarize and bring the essence of the session to life with images. We are well able to filter the important information. At the end of the meeting you will have a visible, tangible result. You can fly us in, for a summary on a meters long piece of paper, or we join you digitally and create our summary live on the iPad.

Visual facilitation

Are you making new plans, or do you want to draw out the vision, mission or strategy for the upcoming year(s)? It helps to have a common vision. Literally. In a visual strategy session we guide you in the process of translating ideas into a compelling visual story. We design a program, visual templates and record the outcomes. In drawings of course. That’s visual facilitation!

We offer visual facilitation for short sessions, or complete 3-day design sprints, live or virtual. We are experts in designing and hosting creative, interactive virtual sessions.

Business drawing for beginners

We all have them: those meetings that seem to last forever, boring presentations that consist of chunks of text, discussions between colleagues that don’t go well because you just don’t fully understand each other. It is not clear what it is about because language evokes different images in people, it is not possible to reach agreement and agreements, the energy leaks away and afterwards you are left frustrated and uninspired.

Our business drawing courses are known for it: they are fun, practical and accessible to everyone. We teach you and your colleagues how to translate a business message in compelling and clear drawings. You learn to make drawings that suit your target group, the goal and the specific work content of your organization. We offer basic workshops and extensive training.

With business drawings you improve communication:

you have the same image in mind

you create a quick overview and understanding of complex themes

you make new policy clear ‘at a glance’

you give presentations that appeal to the imagination

We are based in The Netherlands, but host our workshops around the globe through videoconferencing.

Our customers say it much better!

Are you curious about our work?

Our portfolio page is only available in Dutch at the moment.
But lucky you, our work is mostly visual, so you will definitely get the feel of it  😉

Did you know that we do more than business drawing?

House of Imagination is your trusted partner for all visual communication of business messages. But we do more! Our goal is to make organizations more creative, in their culture and DNA. An innovative workplace needs people who are willing to work on changes from the inside out. That is why we train people to become Creative Changemakers and we guide directors, management teams and teams in a creative approach. We do this under the label: House of Innovation. Curious about our activities around creative innovation and culture change?

International partner of edding en Legamaster

We like a practical approach. We want to make business drawing possible for everyone, in any work environment, with resources that are accessible everywhere. You don’t need anything special to get started with business drawing. You will find a flipchart or whiteboard in every office. And there is a marker in every drawer. No doubt there’s even an edding marker in your kitchen drawer! You don’t need more than that to communicate in a visual way. You just need to learn how to cleverly combine text and images.

To keep it simple and approachable, we use materials that are familiar in every office. A flipchart or whiteboard from Legamaster and the trusted markers from edding. Together we put ‘The Power of Visual Communication’ on the map in more than 10 countries. This improves the quality of collaboration and communication worldwide!

Do you want a visual approach in your organization?

Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to think along and explain what we can do for you.

Please fill in the contact form and briefly tell us your objective or challenges.

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